Discover 3 Powerful Stability Ball Workouts to Stretch Your Muscles & Improve Your Balance & Flexibility!
Stability Balls Are a Great Way to Tone & Condition
the Body While Minimizing the Risk of Injury!
Learn How to Maximize Your Workout Results Below
Of all the various pieces of gym equipment, stability balls are among the least intimidating… and the most effective.
When used properly, a stability ball allows you to stretch your entire body WHILE also ensuring you have the support you need to avoid injury.
That’s why stability balls are an especially great tool for those with back problems or other injuries, for seniors and for anyone else looking to improve their flexibility.
For example, if you have a lower back injury, stretching your back on a stability ball can allow you to strengthen your core muscles, which can then help alleviate certain types of back pain.
Plus, while you’re stretching, the ball will allow your spine to move and stay flexible. This will allow blood to easily enter and nourish your discs, which in turn can help repair damage and promote pain-free movement.
You can also use the ball for stability if you have an injury in another area of your body. It can support your legs, your knees, your arms, your upper torso and much more.
And, like I said earlier, these balls aren’t just for those who are injured! They are great no matter how good… or bad your current health.
There’s a Reason Why Stability Balls Are Used so Often by Physical Therapists When Working With Clients …
Because they work!
In addition to helping you develop good overall muscle tone throughout your entire body, the balls are great for rehabilitating knee, hip and back injuries and for promoting core stability, increasing flexibility and improving posture and balance.
Core Stability is Key to Maintaining Pain-Free Mobility
Your core, which is made up of deep abdominal and back muscles, is vitally important for your overall health. Your core muscles basically support and stabilize all your movements.
Lifting, throwing, bending, reaching, walking and running all require you to engage your core. That’s why keeping your core muscles, or stabilizer muscles, in good condition is so important to maintaining a high quality of life.
Without a strong core, you are at risk of suffering an injury when you make any of a variety of simple movements – like pulling on a lawnmower starter cord, lifting a box or running after a child.
Luckily for you, the stability ball is excellent for engaging the hard-to-reach muscles that make up the core.
But what stability ball exercises are best for strengthening your core?
And what stability ball exercises can you use to stretch your entire body so that you improve flexibility and balance?
To simplify matters and prevent confusion, we have created three powerful stability ball workouts for you!
Introducing The Stability Ball Stretching Routine!
We’ve selected the best stretches to improve your flexibility and balance and we have put them in three powerful workouts. You get:
You can use these workouts to:
- Lose weight
- Improve your balance and stability
- Tighten and tone your thighs, tummy and tush
- Stabilize and strengthen your core
- Make your body a lot more flexible
- Improve your posture
- Make your heart stronger and healthier
- Reduce back, hip, knee and shoulder pain
- Increase your energy
- Help you feel better, more often
- Release tension and stress from the body
- And much more
Now you don’t have to worry about what exercises are best or how many sets and reps of an exercise you should be doing. We give you everything you need to get maximum results when exercising with a stability ball.
Here’s what this unique program includes:
- Videos and PDF manuals that show you exactly how to perform each exercise for maximum benefit.
The videos will:
- Slowly Demonstrate STEP-BY-STEP exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Give you everything you need – exactly how many reps and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right and more
The manual will:
- Reveal common mistakes and tell you how to avoid them
- Give you tips and advice on everything else you need to know, like: number of reps, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be sure you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy
With The Stability Ball Stretching
Routine You’ll Learn:
- The absolute best stability ball exercises for stretching your body, reducing pain and soreness, releasing tension and improving your range of motion
- Exercises for your back, your legs, your glutes, your arms, your shoulders and more
- How to gain relief without risking injury – you’ll learn how to do each move by watching an expert – just follow along with the video!
- The reasons behind the exercises so you know not just what to do but why you are doing it and what benefits you will receive!
- How to adjust sets, reps, time and intensity to customize the workout and make it as effective as possible for you
- And much more
But Why Should You Listen to Me?
Hi, my name is Rick Kaselj, MS, and creating programs that help people heal injuries, eliminate pain and reach their health goals is my mission in life.
I started as a personal trainer, exercise therapist and kinesiologist, but quickly discovered that many of the traditional exercise and treatment programs weren’t producing the results I wanted for my clients.
So I took it upon myself to get the right knowledge, scour the medical research, and do hands-on testing, so I could ACTUALLY help my clients get better and improve their bodies and their health.
With the advent of the Internet, I saw a terrific opportunity to offer and deliver my programs to many more people, so they too could finally get relief from pain, heal their injuries, improve their health and strengthen their muscles.
These Workouts Can Help You Lose Weight, Gain
Flexibility & Boost Your Energy!
Research shows that stability balls increase muscle activation.
They also turn many exercises into full-body exercises, and they are an easy, fun, gentle way to exercise!
In other words, performing the proper exercises with a stability ball (like the exercises we show you in this program) is a great way to start looking – and feeling – younger and healthier.
Order Now & Start Improving Your Flexibility
& Balance for Less Than $5!
That’s not a misprint! For a limited time we are making The Stability Ball Stretching Routine available for just $4.99!
But you must act now. This program is much too valuable to keep at this low price for long. You won’t find an offer like this anywhere else.
We’ve found the absolute best upper body, lower body and full body stability ball stretches – and we’ve put them all into one easy-to-use, highly effective program.
And we didn’t stop there. We’ve also put them in the right order, with the correct sets and reps to create a program that dramatically improves your flexibility without causing you to risk injury or interfere with an already busy schedule.
Now you won’t have to read about programs and try to determine who is telling the truth. Now you won’t have to battle traffic and the weather to get to a physical location like a gym.
You can do these exercises at the office or at home, or anywhere else you have access to a stability ball.
But Couldn’t I Just Get This Information
on the Internet?
Let me pause here to address a common objection that I often hear and that is “Can’t I just get this information for free on the Internet?”
Well, the truth is the Internet is packed with “free” information. But unfortunately that free information actually comes with a “cost.”
What you save in money, you spend in time. Here’s another problem… On the Internet it can be very difficult to tell who to trust. Free information can be full of errors; it can leave important details out. It can also be written with a particular “slant or angle” to get the reader to take certain actions.
A big problem with a lot of the exercise programs that are available on the Internet is that you don’t know the qualifications and expertise of the person behind them.
In other words, you just don’t know who you can trust.
And doing the wrong exercises can do a lot more harm than good. You could actually make an injury worse or you could end up just wasting your time doing exercises that aren’t effective.
Don’t waste your time – make sure you get the best stability ball workouts that have been shown to be effective for people regardless of their body type, age or fitness level.
With My Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee, You’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!
I am so sure that you will love The Stability Ball Stretching Routine that I am offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money in full, with absolutely no questions asked!
That’s EIGHT FULL WEEKS to put this program to the test! I don’t think I can be any fairer than that. Improve your flexibility and balance or get your purchase price back!
To your health and well-being,
Rick Kaselj
Rick Kaselj, MS
Injury Specialist & Kinesiologist
P.S. Why waste your time doing ineffective exercises and inefficient exercise routines when you can get the absolute best stability ball workouts for upper, lower and full body right here? Order now.