THANK YOU for Your Decision to Purchase the
Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout!
Before We Take You to the Order Page, We Have a Special
One-Time-Only Offer for You …
Receive 6 More Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workouts for an Unheard-of Low Price!
Here’s the deal: Exercise experts have long known that when it comes to exercising successfully – variety is key.
The truth is, if you perform the same workout day in and day out, your body may eventually adapt to that workout and either make slower gains or stop making gains at all. The key is to keep challenging your body in new ways.
Do this one simple thing and you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make and the speed at which you can make it.
That’s why ever since we created the Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout program we have been busy developing additional workouts that you can add to the program to keep your body guessing and ensure you maximize your results over the long term.
Well, you’re in luck… our new Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workouts are now available!
These workouts are similar to our original Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workouts but feature different exercises and sets and repetitions to challenge your body and keep the positive results coming!
Also, Like the Original Workouts, These Workouts
Are NOT Complex or Time-Consuming!
They are also easy and gentle! Virtually anyone can do these exercise routines.
It doesn’t matter if you’re 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, or older. You can do them even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life.
You can do these exercise routines if you’re out of shape… even if your body feels completely stiff and inflexible!
In all, there are 6 new workouts that are fun yet also challenging. These workouts will:
- Help you lose weight
- Improve your balance and stability
- Tighten and tone your thighs, tummy and tush
- Stabilize and strengthen your core
- Increase your flexibility
- Improve your posture
- Make your heart stronger and healthier
- Reduce back, hip, knee and shoulder pain
- Increase your energy
- Help you feel better, more often
And just like our original workouts, these new workouts are just 12 minutes long. You can start to experience all the benefits listed above and you’ll just need to devote 12 minutes of your day to exercising!
To Add Some Additional Variety & Excitement to Your Workout Program, Simply Click the Button Below
Act now and you can get our 6 new workouts for just $3 – that’s only about 83 cents a workout, and these are all expert-designed to help produce the best possible physical results.
These workouts can help you lose weight, gain flexibility and boost your energy!
You’ll look and feel younger… and you also won’t have to worry about doing the same workouts repeatedly or hitting plateaus.
Remember, research shows stability balls increase muscle activation. They also turn many exercises into full-body exercises and they are an easy, fun, gentle way to exercise!
So why not get 6 more expert-designed stability ball workouts to further improve your health and fitness?
If we decide to add these workouts to the regular program it will increase the cost of that program significantly. That’s why now is the time to order – you can get the 6 workouts for just $3, a true bargain price.
But a word of caution, you won’t see this offer anywhere else. It is only available on this page! To get your 6 bonus workouts for just $3, click below:
Yes, I want to add the 6 additional workouts to my order for just $3!
No, I don’t want to add the additional workouts to my order at this time – please take me to the order page. I understand that I won’t find this offer anywhere else.